Transfer Credits to TCC

Official Transcript Evaluations

提供给澳门威尼斯人在线赌场的成绩单将成为您永久记录的一部分 and cannot be copied, returned or removed.

Step 1: Email Unofficial Transcripts to 澳门威尼斯人在线赌场的一些课程有阻塞的先决条件要求 您的注册能力,直到先决条件已满足,发送非官方 transcripts to Placement 是否允许注册有先决条件的课程.They will place milestones 为了满足您注册课程的先决条件. View your milestones by logging into ctclink and navigating to Student Homepage--> Academic Records-->View My Milestones

Step 2: Review your Unofficial Transcript to confirm your Primary Name and Date of Birth 与转学机构的成绩单信息相匹配. If 您的姓名或出生日期不相符,请填写 Name Change form or follow the steps for a Date of Birth Correction. 如果传入的成绩单名称与ctcLink名称不匹配,澳门威尼斯人在线赌场将无法 to match the transcript with your student record. Once personal information matches please continue to Step 3.

Step 3: After applying to Tacoma Community College have Official Transcripts 你所上过的每一所学校的成绩单都寄到招生服务处以获得学分 evaluation. 官方成绩单只接受电子直接发送 from the institution or mailed from the institution. Official printed transcripts in a sealed envelope will also be accepted 24/7 at our Drop Box location. 

正式成绩单在学生入学后进行评估. Allow 8-12 weeks for an official transcript evaluation. Unofficial transcripts, grade reports 在线打印结果将不被接受作为正式评估. (Update to turn 大约在2024年5月20日,因为开学准备)  

Tacoma Community College
Enrollment Services, Bldg. 7
6501 S. 19th St
Tacoma, WA 98466

Step 4: 一旦成绩单收到,一封通用电子邮件将发送到您的ctcLink电子邮件地址 and evaluated. This generic email will notify you of a message in ctcLink. Login to ctcLink and select the-->Message Center, this notification is providing status updates.   

Step 5: 查看你的正式成绩单评估,登录你的 ctcLink Account. Select Student Homepage --> Academic Records--> View Transfer Credit Report. 有关您的官方评估的任何问题,请联系 本校接受其他院校的总学分号码亦可浏览 on a unofficial transcripts.

Grading Criteria for Transfer Credit

Transfer in grades of 3.9-4.0 are calculated as an A
Transfer in grades of 3.6-3.8 are calculated as an A-
Transfer in grades of 3.2-3.5 are calculated as an B+
Transfer in grades of 2.9-3.1 are calculated as an B
Transfer in grades of 2.6-2.8 are calculated as an B-
Transfer in grades of 2.2-2.5 are calculated as an C+
Transfer in grades of 1.9-2.1 are calculated as an C
Transfer in grades of 1.6-1.8 are calculated as an C-
Transfer in grades of 1.2-1.5 are calculated as an D+
Transfer in grades of 1.0-1.1 are calculated as an D

Semester Credits to TCC Quarter Credits 

澳门威尼斯人在线赌场实行四分之一学分制. If you attended a Semester 那么澳门威尼斯人在线赌场将把学期学分转换为季度学分. 1 Semester credit is equivalent to 1.5 Quarter credits. Typically, a class at a Semester school is 3 Semester credits, this would be equivalent to 4.5 Quarter credits (3 x 1.5= 4.5). Typically, 4.然而,5个学分意味着你已经满足了课程的内容 寻求学位/证书的学生通常需要通过以下方式来弥补学分 increasing the number of electives needed.

Milestones an Unofficial Evaluation

Milestones are not related to the Official Evaluation process. Milestones are placed by Placement Department 让学生能够快速注册到一个非官方的评估类. 注册服务部门在授予学分时进行正式评估 course. 里程碑式的安置并不自动意味着转移学分已经完成 been accepted. 官方的评估过程可以通过转移学分看到 Report or a Unofficial Transcript in ctcLink. 

Reverse Transfer

反向发音允许符合条件的学生完成他们的副学士学位后 transferring to a four-year institution. Students who transfer prior to completing 他们的副学士学位可以完成学士学位的任何剩余要求 并将这些学分申请回澳门威尼斯人在线赌场 their associate degree.

从本科院校获得的学分被评估为反向转学, official transcripts are required. Visit Reverse Transfer/ Articulation to learn more.

Reverse Transfer Articulation 

Foreign Transcript Evaluation

Transcripts from none U.S schools will need a Course by Course 国外学历评估机构的评价. Below is a 提供这类初步评估的公司名单. Please have the agency forward their evaluation directly to us at

*英语作文将不接受外国成绩单(ENGL)& 101, ENGL& 102).

World Education Services (WES)
P.O. Box 5087, Bowling Green Station
New York, NY 10274-5087
1.800.361.3106 (phone)1.202.739.6100 (fax)

SPANTRAN (email)

Foreign Consultants, LLC
Credential Evaluation Services
11206 A Osage Circle
Northglenn CO 80234
303.585.0978 (phone) 847.337.5478 (fax) (email)

Foundations for International Services, Inc.
505- 5th Avenue South Suite 101
Edmonds WA 98020-3585 (email)

Academic Credentials Evaluation Institute, Inc. (ACEI)
P.O. box 6908
Beverly Hills CA 90212
310.275.3530 (phone) (email)

International Education Research Foundation, Inc. (IERF)
10736 Jefferson Blvd #532
Culver City CA 90230 (email)

3600 Market Street, Suite 400
Philadelphia PA 19104-2651
215.222.8454 (phone)

SBCTC Unofficial Information for Advisors and Staff

华盛顿州社区和技术学院委员会的成绩和课程 (SBCTC) listed below can appear in the Advisee Student Center to Staff and Advisors for unofficial evaluations. This is due to sharing parts of the same ctcLink system. 这些非官方信息不能取代官方信息 evaluation process. 为了进行正式评估,澳门威尼斯人在线赌场需要官方成绩单 包括以下列出的SBCTC在内的所有机构. Once the official evaluation 完成后学生就能看到自己的学分接受情况了吗 Student Homepage--> Academic Records -Transfer Credit Report

其中一些院校的课程不会在录取通知书中注明转学 学生中心的课程会显示"已选".  This example indicates ENGL& 101 was, "Taken". Attached to ENGL& 101 is a decimal point instead of a letter grade. 一个快速的指示,列出的类没有,“采取”在TCC是小数点 point grade. TCC不分配十进制分数,而是字母分数. In this 个案指导学生提交正式成绩单供评估.

贝茨技术学院,贝尔维尤课程,贝灵汉技术学院,大本德 社区学院、卡斯卡迪亚学院、森特勒利亚学院、克拉克学院、克拉弗公园学院 技术学院,哥伦比亚盆地学院,埃德蒙兹学院,埃弗雷特社区学院, 格雷斯港学院,绿河学院,高线学院,华盛顿湖学院 技术学院、下哥伦比亚学院、北西雅图学院、奥林匹克学院、半岛学院 皮尔斯学院,斯泰拉库姆堡皮尔斯学院,普雅鲁普皮尔斯学院,伦顿技术学院 学院,西雅图中央学院,海岸线社区学院,斯卡吉特山谷学院, 南普吉特湾社区学院、南西雅图学院、斯波坎社区学院、 斯波坎瀑布社区学院,沃拉沃拉社区学院,韦纳奇山谷学院, Whatcom Community College, Yakima Valley College  

Course History Duplicate Issue

Course History often duplicates courses. This occurs because course equivalencies differ between schools. 举个例子,一个学生在西雅图中央大学修了HUM 130 因为澳门威尼斯人在线赌场没有完全相等的课程,所以会以900英镑的价格转到TCC吗. 这将导致课程历史页面出现重复问题. The Course History page 将注明hum130的5个学分和hum900的5个学分 only completed 5 credits. 请注意这一点,建议学生使用 Course History page. 

Advisee Student Center